11 Awful Mistakes That Every Amateur Blogger Make

Have you just started blogging?

And committing silly mistakes as Amateur Blogger,

I know you are because when I also enter this blogging world, I also committed many mistakes because as a newbie I don’t know too much about amateur blogging,

Whatever it is, mistakes are always mistakes, and You have to fix them to be a successful blogger.

So in this post, I have a compiled list of the mistakes that every amateur blogger makes when they started their blogging journey and,

Believe me, and If you read this post till the end, then you’ll get to know about the many mistakes that you should avoid as a newbie blogger. 

NOTE – Benefits Of Reading This Article Amateur

If you’ll read this article from start to end so you’ll get to know about:

1. You’ll find 11 mistakes that every amateur blog post make

2. You’ll also find the solution to every mistake which is listed here so read till the end

3. If you just start your blog then don’t waste your time by doing plenty of mistakes that a newbie makes then this post helps you a lot

4. and many more

So must read this article till the end…

Let’s jump and Straight talk about the mistakes that every newbie blogger makes:

1. Use Free Domain

Using a free domain is one of the biggest mistakes that every blogger makes in starting, I also made that mistake back in 2017, 

But after doing a lot of hard work on that free domain, I didn’t get any results,

and after that, I moved to a custom domain name, and because of that, I got minimal results.

So having a custom domain name will get you more exposure than you deserve, and By registering a domain name, you amateur blogger make your online presence with your blog. 

Having a custom domain name gives you more freedom to do whatever with your blog and helps you establish yourself as a brand.

If you are a newbie who is committing this mistake, then I recommend you don’t do it and purchase a custom domain name because the free domain name can’t give you the results that you deserve in the longer run.

Some disadvantages of using a Free Domain Name:

1. You Can’t Control That Domain: Free domain providers didn’t give you full access to the domain name.

2. If you are doing any wrong thing with the domain, then the domain provider has full access to delete your domain, and with that, You’ll lose your all content.

3. SEO Unfriendly: Free domains can’t be indexed in the search engines properly, and If you want to make money from blogging, then I don’t recommend you to go with blog-free blogging, also go with a custom domain name.

These are some disadvantages of using a Free Domain Name, I think now you are aware of this mistake,

If you think that where to purchase a domain name then you can go to domain names service providers like NameCheap and Godaddy.

2. Not Choosing a Good Hosting

You don’t have good hosting or using any free hosting?

If Yes, then you are committing a huge mistake by ignoring this, 

Good hosting is essential for any blogger because If you are using any free platform to host your domain name,

Like blogger.com then You may have less control over that blog and also in free platforms, You don’t get enough options to customize that blog on your own and,

If you are using any free hosting, then there is more chance that you lose all your content, If that company shuts down.

If you are a blogger who is committing this mistake, Then I recommend you to move on to a good hosting that gives you blazing-fast speed,

There are tons of hosting available in the market that state to provide Good Speed, Unlimited Bandwidth, and 24X7 Support,

But are all hosting providers offering that much value to the state in their sales pages? I think “NO” 

So which hosting should you use as an Amateur Blogger? 

If you ask me, Then I recommend you to go with rocket.net because they are providing amazing features at a very low cost, 

Right now, millions of websites are hosted on rocket.net, and I’m not the only one who recommends rocket.net Hosting,

But WAIT! don’t take my word for here, SEE THE PROOF BELOW,


BOOM! You can see after migrating to rocket.net the load time is decreased by 95%

WAIT, But don’t take my word for here; There are some of the latest REAL reviews about Rocket.net.


Follow these steps to purchase hosting for your first blog:

1. Click On This Special Link To Get Rocket.Net $1 Trial For 30 Days

2. Choose Your Plan Based On Your Budget and No Of Blog You Are Going To Use


I recommend you go with a basic or starter plan because it will be affordable for you

and the Best Part?

You will get a $1 trial for the first month So Go Here & Try a $1 trial for the first month

3. After Choosing Your Plan Click On Get Started

4. Create Your Account After Filling Up Your Personal Details Inside Rocket.net


5. Enter Your Credit/Debit Card Information

You have to fill in your credit/debit card details to purchase hosting


6. Click On Sign up

After that, you have to click on the signup button. It will take a few minutes to proceed with the details.

Wait a few minutes, then check your email for important details related to your Rocket.Net account.

And you’re done.

And that’s it you successfully purchased your first-ever hosting from rocket.net and host your website.

3. Terrible Blog Design

This is one of the biggest amateur blogger mistakes I ever made,

If you are using free themes, then you are Architecting your own Destruction.

Why I’m saying this? 

I’m saying this because back in 2018, I’m also using free themes as every newbie does, and Because of this, my niche-based blog was hacked multiple times.

I know as a newbie, You don’t have a budget to purchase premium themes and plugins, and that’s why you use free themes, which amateur bloggers make your blog terrible.

But If you are starting your blog then I recommend making a budget for premium themes because most free themes don’t optimize for SEO.

Also don’t give you the good speed which you desire and they are not easy to customize,

In Brian Dean’s 200 ranking factors article, He also mentioned that If your blog is not optimized for SEO and not giving a proper interface to the user, then it will be hard for Google to rank your blog.

If you still think that how premium themes will help you, then here is some more reason why you used to invest in premium themes:

1. Premium themes look very professional and If you are a blogger and you are using any free themes then maybe your blog does not look attractive at all always remember one thing, Your site looks to play a vital role in your blog’s success.

2. Premium themes update frequently, and If you got any questions related to theme customization, You can ask for their support, and they resolve your issue.

3. Premium themes are also SEO Optimized and Mobile friendly.

4. Usually, free themes aren’t easy to customize, but With premium themes, You got many features that you can use to make your professional blogger.

I think now you understand why pro bloggers use premium themes instead of free ones. If you are confused to find premium themes, Let me help you,

There are so many premium themes that you can use, but if you are confused to find a good one then, I’ve some themes which I use:

GeneratePress: GeneratePress is a theme that I’m using on this, According to me this is the best lightweight theme I ever used, This theme provides you lots of features which you can customize your blog,

GeneratePress is entirely SEO-optimized and Mobile friendly. If you want a premium theme that gives you everything, Then you can go for it.

You can also check: Generatepress Discount 2025: 10% OFF [Exclusive Deals]

As​​​​a Pro: Astra theme is similar to GeneratePress, But in this, usually, you got more features than it, I’m using Astra on my affiliate blog, and It works terrific with Elementor.

Elegant Themes: Elegant Themes are one of the popular themes, and If you purchase this theme, You’ll get many themes and plugins (including Divi, Boom, and Monarch).

If you are looking for a bunch of themes that you can use on your multiple blogs, Then you can go with them, I used them before, and they provide live support which helps you to solve your problem.

Note: If you are looking to purchase any theme, then make sure you buy it from my affiliate links and buy me a coffee ?.

Now let’s move on to the one biggest mistake that almost every amateur blogger makes when they just started.

4. Copying Content Without Giving Credit- Amateur Bloggers

Many bloggers think that writing content is a tough task and that’s why they copy other bloggers’ content by doing some modifications without taking their permission,

And that’s why they don’t rank on google, Because the content they copied is already ranked on google and the content they published comes into Plagiarism.

I think now this question rising in your mind, “What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is something that Google hates; If you are doing this, then it’s like you are committing SEO suicide.

So, If you are making this mistake, then be aware and try to produce content on your own,

Because if you create content on your own so you can also give your personal touch to that which you give can’t give by copying other blogs.

If you want to be successful in blogging, Then you have to put content on your own.

And If you are taking any sentence or taking images from any blog, then try to give them credit, which helps amateur bloggers make a good relationship with them.

I also made this same mistake when I was just starting, but gradually I understand that this does not help me in the long term.

5. Not Writing Consistently

This is one of the mistakes that you should avoid right now,

Because every blogger who just started, Only writes a few blog posts and after a few months of waiting they don’t see results, so they think to stop that blog,

But this is totally wrong because you can’t decide the future of any blog by writing just a few blog posts,

If you want to see some results, then put more effort into writing content, and Don’t stop after writing a few posts,

Keep writing consistently and put some light on keyword research to get your blog noticed by google within a few months,

I know in starting, you may be faced many difficulties while writing, and maybe sometimes you got stuck at some point,

But If you write an article consistently, then It becomes your habit, and you can easily create content without any hurdle.

What if I don’t know how to write a good blog post then?

If you are struggling to write a good blog post then, Must follow these steps which helps you to make a good blog post fast:

1. Find topics for your blog post (You can use a website like Quora or Reddit to find ideas) then do some keyword research around that topic and found some excellent keywords (For finding keywords you can use a tool like SEMrush)

2. After that, analyze the “Top 10 articles related to that”  and create an outline according to your understanding.

3. After creating an outline of your blog post, you can start writing, and you can repeat the exact strategy every time and make good quality content consistently.

I think now everything is clear to you, So let’s move on to the next mistake that a newbie makes.

6. Ignore List Building

Ignoring a listed building, Is one of the mistakes, I made when I started this blog, and after five months of this blog I started list building,

And now, I know that list building helps a lot to drive quality traffic to your blog, which generates revenue for you.

If you already started your blog and thinking of starting list building or not, then I recommend you go for it because make email list building is one of the best methods to catch your loyal subscribers. 

How can email list building help you?

You already know that Google is changing its algorithm daily, and maybe one day, some mishappening can happen, and you get a penalty on your blog, but at that time you can gain traffic and revenue using email marketing.

Which email marketing software should you use?

There are so many marketing tools that you can use to do email marketing but I want to recommend you go with Convertkit,


Because when I started email marketing on this blog, I’m using a cheap email marketing service that cost me around 10$/month but after using it for one month, 

I started frustrated because the emails I’m sending to my subscribers are going into spam or promotional tab,

Then one of my Friends Sumit Sao recommend I go with Convertkit because he already used that,

So on behalf of their recommendation, I take Convertkit 30 days free trial, and Literally, after using their service now,

I’m really happy because all my emails are going into the primary tab now, and with that, I’m able to connect with my loyal subscribers.

Aah! Are Backlinks crucial for amateur bloggers?

If you are a newbie blogger, then your answer will be “Yes” it is, and I agree with this, but newbie blogger has a misconception that for ranking a new site you have to make lots of backlinks in the starting

But this is the wrong approach,

Because every newbie blogger just starts a new blog, makes a few blog posts, then starts doing link-building from the second day, and I think that’s why many newbie bloggers don’t see the results.

I also made this same mistake in the beginning, and after putting lots of effort into this the starting, I didn’t get any results, so If you are making this same mistake, then I recommend you stop this right away.

So when should you start doing link building?

I recommend you, In the starting put more extra effort into creating content and,

Also, create some no-follow backlinks by commenting on others’ blogs because doing aggressive blog promotion in the starting will maybe affect your blog/website.

So I recommend that when you have 30 – 100 posts on your blog, then you can start doing link building, 

And for creating high-quality relevant backlinks you can do a Guest Post, Broken Link Building, or Blogger Outreach.

8. Don’t Leverage Amateur Social Media Traffic

The pain of every amateur blogger is that they don’t get enough traffic?

Why don’t they get traffic? 

Because they don’t leverage every traffic source, Most newbie blogger depends on organic traffic,

But they don’t know that they can quickly generate the right amount of traffic using social media.

When I started this blog, I also leverage social media traffic, which helps me to boost my ranking.

If you are only relying on one traffic source, Then I recommend to stop doing this and start sharing your article on social media You might also know that google indirectly loves social signals,

Does Google like social signals?

Yes! Let me share something with you that helps you to understand,


You can also see that the website which ranks higher in the search results has more social signals, As you can see in the above CognitiveSEO graphics.


Matthew Woodward shared in their case study that the content that was shared thousands of times on Facebook helped them to achieve the Top 10 position on google on the keyword “unhealthiest foods

So I think now you understand how social media traffic helps your new website in ranking and as well as also helps you to increase your website traffic.

9. Share Only Your Content

Are you sharing other bloggers’ content related to your niche? 

Most newbie bloggers will answer that we don’t share other bloggers’ content,


Are they selfish?

No, It’s a natural tendency of humans to be selfish to a certain extent.

If you ask me this question to me, Then my answer would be this,

Yes, because by sharing other bloggers’ content, we amateur bloggers make a good connection with them, which can help in the future.

In blogging or whatever, business in you are,

You have to follow the give-and-take principle, and If you follow this principle properly and share other bloggers’ content, then your content will be automatically shared by every blogger in your industry.

So If you are also making the same mistake, then I recommend you stop it right now because It’s don’t help you.

10. Not Linking To Others

You already know Blogging is about a GIVE and TAKE principle,

If you are not linking to others then there will be less chance that you’ll also get a backlink in return,

In the past, I also made the mistake of not linking to other bloggers, and because of this, when I outreach them, I frequently got bad results, and I also want to aware you not to make the same mistake, I made earlier.

If you start linking other blogger content, then it also helps you in the ranking, and by linking other top reputed bloggers, you can quickly build a relationship with them.

11. Scared To Invest In Plugins/Tools

Every amateur blogger made this mistake,

Even when I started my blogging career, I was also scared to invest money in plugins, tools, and on my blog learn-to blog,

But slowly and steadily, I understand that without investing money in the necessary things, I’m not going to be a successful blogger.

And, When I started investing money in my learning, plugins, and tools, I saw a J-curve in my life and on my blog too. 

So If you also want to see your growth, then stop making this mistake amateur bloggers, and start investing your money in the things which are necessary for your business and which can help to boost your business 30X.

If you are just starting your blog, then also make a budget for tools and plugins which can help in the path of your success.

You are confused that in which tool or plugin you should invest? Then there is the list below:

These are the tools/plugins in which you can invest,

Every business needs some investment to get results fast,

If you’ll take blogging as a business and invest start making money online on it and you’ll see the results soon as compared to other bloggers which scared to invest money in their blogging business.

Now It’s Your Turn – Amateur Blogger Mistakes

In this post, I shared some mistakes that every amateur blogger makes when they start a new blog,

If you are making any mistakes from this list that I shared, then I want to suggest avoiding it right now because it doesn’t help you to grow your blog,

So that’s all from my side, I hope you got some value from this post because I try to mention some of the mistakes that every newbie blogger makes,

If you have any more mistakes in your mind that I forget to add to this list, then don’t hesitate to comment down below.

One Request: Is this article helpful for you?

If “Yes” then please let me know via the comment below.

Thank You and Good Luck! 🙂

Also Read:

Amateur Blogger

The Full-time Blogger, Affiliate marketer,Product Creator and Entrepreneur. I’m a 22-year-old full-time blogger who loves to do blogging and affiliate marketing and launching product in international’s market and helping people how to achieve same

32 thoughts on “11 Awful Mistakes That Every Amateur Blogger Make”

  1. Yes…. Umer Bro, this post is really really very useful for newbie… I read it till end,

    One of my mistake is I am not able to write on a consistent manner and I will definitely fix it soon,

    My question to u,

    Which Plugin is better,
    Yoast or Rank Math,
    Which tool is more helpful,
    Ahref or Semrush,

    And please checkout my blog and gave me some suggestions to improve.

    • Hi, Yogesh right Now Rank Math Is Better, In the Present, most the bloggers are Using rank math.
      In 2022 You can’t be able to buy Ahref from a group SEO tool Because its price is Increased a Lot. If you want to buy Semrush, then it can available at a cheap price.
      Ahref and Semrush are best for SEO and Keyword research but in some cases, Ahref is better than semrush

  2. All the associated reasons you mentioned here i think out number of many reasons newbie are doing.

    but your guidance will definitely going to help them,keep it up bro Thank you!

  3. Hey Umer bro.

    You explained very well,

    As a beginner will do lot of mistakes. We have to accept those mistakes and we have to rectify those mistakes.

    Yes, most beginners do the mistake of blogging on free domains. they search for free domains and free hosting,

    They dont know it hurts and lose them in the long run. me also did this mistake.

    We are following industry experts means we have to observe what their mistakes and we have to avoid them. we have to learn the lot of lessons from them.

    Thank you for this awesome post.

    Keep up this work.

  4. Excellent Guide.

    One of the main problem with most of the bloggers is to write original content in a consistent way!

    I did all these mistakes at the starting.

    You have covered a lot of things here for newbie bloggers. Great!

  5. Hey Kundan. well done.

    Can you write a new guide on getting organic traffic from Google?

    Most bloggers start their blogs, but due to lack of traffic, they stop blogging and try new ways. It would be very helpful for all bloggers if you share some how-to tips for getting organic traffic on your website.


  6. Bhai ye post mere liye sach me useful ha and mujhe apki ye baat achi lagi ki ap apni galtiyo se hame sikha rahe ho and Bhai love you as always and always support you….
    You are my inspiration as I also want to earn like or more than you at the age of 16 and I am 14 now.

  7. Blogging mistake is common for an amateur. But, it’s good to know their mistakes as early as possible so that they can improve on it. Your article will help many newbie bloggers. Thank you.

  8. Sir I have Read Your Full Article & Understand The Important Things That Many Bloggers Have Not From Them I Was Also One. The main thing is content & Consistency.
    I promise you that I will be consistent in my work.


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