10 Best Travel Affiliate Programs 2025 – Make Big Commission

Are you working on your travel 19 Best Music Affiliate Programs Of 2025- Special Picks For Music Blogs for a long time?

It’s time to make some good money out of it, and you can do that by simply applying for the best travel affiliate programs.

Affiliate programs are the best for travel niche bloggers to earn handsome money by writing for their respective blogs.

Despite the current situation of the pandemic, traveling has taken a step back for the majority of people.

Still, travel serves as food for the soul,

So it can never be out of the heart, and soon after, everything will be expected and bounce back.

What are Travel Affiliate Programs?

Travel affiliate programs help earn some commission for all the hard work we bloggers put into our blogs and websites. 

If someone gets the service from your referral link, you will earn money every time you use your link to buy a service or product. 

If a person is smart enough, they can easily earn thousands of dollars from every affiliate service or link.

I am listing some of the best travel affiliate programs you can sign up for to make the most out of this excellent opportunity to know more about it.

10 Best Travel Affiliate Programs to Turn Your Blog into Money Making Machine

10 Best Travel Affiliate Programs

Affiliate marketing is the most convenient way for travel bloggers to make an income online, but finding the best reliable affiliate programs is not easy. 

Some programs are frauds, and for the newbies in the travel blogging industry, it could result in the worst experience ever.

So, to prevent all the confusion, here are the ten most reliable travel affiliate programs you can choose from according to your need.

Name of Travel Affiliate ProgramsCommission Cookie duration Link 
1. Hotel CombinedUp to $2 per click365 daysjoin now
2. Skyscannerup to 20%30 daysjoin now
3. Expediaup to 11%Seven daysjoin now
4.Booking.comup to 4%Session-basedjoin now
5. Amazon Associates4%One dayjoin now
6. Agoda5%30 daysjoin now
7. Tripadvisor50%15 daysjoin now
8. Wego$0.80 per lead30 daysjoin now
9. Lonely Planet15%30 daysjoin now
10. Cruise Direct3%45 daysjoin now

Let’s discuss each one of them in detail:

1. Hotelscombined Travel Affiliate Program

The hotel combined is one of the largest platforms that serve a significant number of travelers around the globe and covers all the best properties for making the stay of users easy and remarkable.

The affiliate program provides excellent commissions to bloggers and promoters. 

Earnings by affiliates

By signing up for the travel affiliate programs, you can earn about $0.50 to $2 per click from your referral link or website to the hotel’s combined website. 

The visitors that visit the website from your link will be tracked for 365 days, and you can earn an excellent number of commissions throughout the year.

How do affiliates get paid from the program?

For all the month’s commissions, you will be paid once at the end of every month.

They will make the payments if the amount is $100, which will be transferred into your PayPal accounts.

The hotel combined is one of few programs that offer 365 days of cookie duration, and every time someone clicks on the referral link after the year, you will get paid if any transaction is made.

The hotel combined also offers a significant number of hotel stays to promote stays to travelers interested quickly.

Commission: up to $2 per click

URL: join now

Cookie duration: 365days

2. Sky scanner Travel Affiliate Program

Sky scanner is a platform that delivers affiliate marketing for the travel niche by comparing all the offers available and scanning out the best recommendation to choose from.

It helps show the best deals possible, which helps in cost savings.

Sky scanner is owned by China-owned travel agency Trip.com and has more than 800 employees.

Earnings by affiliates

Sky scanner works on the policy of CPA.

For signing your details to get participation in this affiliate program travel, you can add the sum of 20% commissions to your pocket.

For all the visitors who visit the sky scanner website from your referral link, you will get paid for the profit earned from each.

Transaction differs in the cases of flights ($0.10-$0.20), car rental ($0.30-$0.80), and hotel affiliate programs.

How do affiliates get paid from the program? 

The payments of the affiliates and promoters are transferred into their bank accounts, and the payment threshold is $50.

Payments are made when the amounts of commission exceed $50.

Sky scanner offers a cookie duration of 30 days which is pretty standard as many other travel affiliate programs give the month’s time.

Commission: up to 20%

URL: join now

Cookie duration: 30 days

3. Expedia Travel Affiliate Program

Expedia is a flamboyant organization it provides world-class service to travelers in efficiently planning and booking their whole trip.

It is one of the world’s leading full-service online travel brands.

It offers the traveler world-class services worldwide with the best possible activities and hotels around.

Expedia is a user-friendly interface that provides travelers with services with one click of their mobile phones. 

Expedia came to notice in the public eye after 2013 with the app that makes visitors’ work easy with the great features available.

Earnings by affiliates

According to the data of 2018, booking take the lead on the affiliate program Expedia for the long term, and there was massive traffic on Expedia to book their hotels as it offers around 11 commissions to affiliates ranging differently for different bookings,

How do affiliates get paid from the program?

The money is transferred into the accounts directly and the affiliate cookie comes with a 7-day lifetime.

Commission: up to 11 %

URL: join now

Cookie duration: 7 days

4. Booking Travel Affiliate Programs

Booking.com provides various options to make the stay more relaxing including transportation and make them choose from multiple options available according to their preference.

OTAs such as Booking.com focus on making their traveler Stay pocket friendly with many options to offer and pick the right property for their beautiful stay and making it more enjoyable.

The increase in the number of Fully Independent Travellers has given rise to OTA companies such as Booking.com. 

Earnings by affiliates

The earnings of the affiliate are about 4% for every transaction made through your referral link, and it is one of the highest-paying travel affiliate programs.

How do affiliates get paid from the program?

All payments are made through PayPal and money is transferred after the month of the stay of visitors. 

Commission: 4%

URL: join now

Cookie duration: session-based

5. Amazon Associates Affiliate Program

The birth of Amazon Associates was to provide individuals with the best customer service.

It helps an individual profit from Amazon Associates with an easy sign-up procedure.

Travel is the best niche to earn simultaneously, making everybody happy. Amazon proves to be an excellent platform for affiliates to work.

With its general approach across the globe, Amazon provides enough opportunities for people to earn, travel, and shop, and by starting the affiliate program, it has yet given another chance to many travel bloggers to make money with a profitable high commission.

Earning by affiliates 

In this program, the affiliate promoters can earn about 4% of the commission, but the percentage of commission varies for different products and services.

How do affiliates get paid from the program?

The money is made in accounts every month as payment the threshold is $100, and when the amount is reached the threshold amount commission is paid, according to data collected in the year 2021.

The cookie duration offered by amazon is comparatively very tiny as it is only for 24 hours which in front of other travel affiliate programs is shallow, and this proves to be the only downside here.

Commission: 4%

URL: join now

Cookie duration: 24 hours

6. Agoda Affiliate Program

Agoda affiliate program is a trusted interface that offers the best price affiliate programs booking more than 900,000 properties worldwide, and thousands of people use it to find the best stay possible. 

Nevertheless, it offers excellent commissions to affiliate bloggers, and a significant number of properties also provide a higher chance of fantastic deals which convince visitors to use links.

Earnings by affiliates

Agoda pays promoters about 5% commission when a successful transaction is made, any booking from your referral link would make you 5% of the total day’s payment methods.

How do affiliates get paid from the program?

The payments collected by the commissions are transferred directly into the accounts, mainly on the 15th of every month.

The payment threshold is $200, and money is only transferred when commission pay reaches the specific amount. 

The cookie duration of 30 days gives sufficient time to earn a handsome amount of money.

Commission: 5% 

URL: join now

Cookie duration: 30 days

7. Tripadvisor Affiliate Program

Tripadvisor is one of the oldest sites among other available sites, making this one most commonly used by people to book their properties, whether hotels or resorts and make their stay comfortable and relaxing.

 Earnings by affiliates

Tripadvisor is the only interface that helps affiliates earn about 50% commission on every transaction done through their referral links.

Sometimes, a commission of 80% is also offered, depending on the product or service you are promoting.

How do affiliates get paid from the program?

The trip advisor sends payments every month, and the cookie duration is 15 days. 

Many travel bloggers and promoters often use a trip advisor.

Commission: 50%

URL: join now

Cookie duration: 15 days

8. Wego Travel Affiliate Programs

Wego is another rapidly growing platform for providing great deals in the travel niche, and travel affiliate programs help promoters to earn handsome amounts by affiliating hundreds of services and products.

Earnings by affiliates

Affiliates earn about $0.80 per click of their referral link and are more of a CPC (commission per click) type of program.

The threshold is $100, and money is transferred after reaching this amount.

How do affiliates get paid from the program?

We also offer a particular CPC monetization method for bloggers to earn more money through commissions; the cookie duration is 30 days which provides an adequate amount for bloggers to make more.

Commission: $0.80 per lead

URL: join now

Cookie duration:30 days

9. Lonely Planet Affiliate Program

Lonely Planet is another famous interface for the best staycations across the globe.

Moreover, it provides different travel affiliate programs for travel bloggers to earn a great commission.

the lonely planet also publishes e-books and magazines

 Earnings by affiliates

Affiliates get around 15% commission with a cookie duration of 30 days. They will pay the program commission amount every month.

How do affiliates get paid from the program?

They will transfer the payment your program earn to your PayPal accounts as the cookie duration is 30 days, and even if somebody booked his travel through your link after 29 days, you will still get the commission.

 Commission: 15%

URL: join now

Cookie duration: 30 days

10. Cruise Direct

 Cruise Direct is also a great and leading interface for booking hotels and resorts.

There are thousands of properties from which you can choose a pleasant stay at the best prices.

 Earnings by affiliates

 Affiliates earn about 3% commission, and the amount is paid every month with the threshold of $25, so when the threshold amount is attained commission is transferred.

 How do affiliates get paid from the program?

 Cruise Direct offers 45 days cookie window duration, which is a nice option to earn more commissions for many bloggers.

 Commission: 3%

 URL: join now

 Cookie duration: 45 days

FAQs For Affiliate Programs For Travel

What are the best travel affiliate programs?

I have compiled all the best travel affiliate programs, but you can choose TripAdvisor for the best commission possible.

How do I become a travel affiliate?

Start by applying for different travel affiliate programs available online, and once you are approved, you can earn a good commission from the links given to you.


In today’s times earning money is easy but not that simple and the same goes with the travel affiliate programs 

Starting your travel blog is easy but finding the right affiliate program to earn money is significant, so choosing the best is necessary.

With all the options I have discussed above, I hope one can match your grounds, and with the right choice, you can earn more.

Also Read:

10 Best Travel Affiliate Programs

The Full-time Blogger, Affiliate marketer,Product Creator and Entrepreneur. I’m a 22-year-old full-time blogger who loves to do blogging and affiliate marketing and launching product in international’s market and helping people how to achieve same

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